Environmental Policy

 Environmental Policy Statement.

Inter-Weave Limited Auckland is a Textile Manufacturing Company that is involved in design, research, development, production and sales of woven fabrics for upholstery, home wares and apparel.

The Environmental Policy has been established by the Management of Inter-Weave Limited. Its purpose is to help plan, implement, check and review environmental performance on a continual basis. 

The Policy of Inter-Weave Limited is as follows: 

1.                We are committed to utilising natural fibres from sustainable and local resources whenever possible.

2.                Compliance with current laws, regulations, covenants and overarching policy and guidelines of Inter-Weave Limited.

3.                Commitment to employee health and safety.

4.                Protection of the Environment by reduction of emissions and pollution prevention.

5.                Commitment to open dialogue with authorities, the public and media.

6.                Continual improvement of its environmental performance.

7.                Has a strategic plan for the reduction of environmental pollution.

8.                Use of an annual environmental plan and an environmental report.

9.                This Policy is available to the public on request.

10.             Commitment to local farmers, enabling and encouraging the possibilities to turn their wools into finished and saleable products.

11.             Commitment to educate Customers and Potential Customers as to the environmental benefits of wool.


1.                Employees are encouraged to take better care of the environment.

2.                They are made aware of the factors within the environmental policy which are relevant to their activities.

3.                Continuous action to protect the environment in their activities.

 Tracy March

Managing Director Inter-Weave Ltd