Our Wool

It was not so long ago that a new blanket, piece of furniture or clothing was an item to to be cherished for a lifetime, yet in these days of abject consumerism, these products are tossed aside far too easily. At Inter-Weave, we believe this attitude fails to appreciate the planet's resources, human skill and environmental cost of excessive production. Also, much of society's constant search for a bargain carries its own cost. This needs to be balanced with the health of our planet, flora and fauna... everything in our world is inter-related....Inter-woven.

Wool, it's in absolutely every fabric that we produce here in Auckland! Its timeless beauty and grace is sourced from some of the most picturesque places on our planet. It lives and breathes like the animal that grows it. Wool is biodegradable, unlike man made fibres. It does not use excessive quantities of water and pesticides like cotton, is a local resource and is sustainable.

This is why we love wool!